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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Exams Thingy!! Hey!! Everybody!!:)
Exam is in between us!! (West Spring Secondary School Pupil) HEADACHE!! Ya, everyday only can STUDY, STUDY and STUDY!!! But sometimes also got use computer lar only never update my blogg!! Only today at Bukit Panjang Plaza, Jemima told me that my blog is going to DEAD!! So I quickly update lor!! Ya, so how is the paper today?? I found that abit difficult lar!! Because I don't understand it very much!! But I tried!! And tomorrow also the same is English but is paper two!! Work harded, Espiecially 1Hyper!! Because, maybe after this paper, Ms Chew can't see our result again!! 1HYPER, PROVE TO MS CHEW CAN?? What Ms Chew wants is to see 1Hyper to pass the exams so she can go to other school peacefully!! So izzit okae?? Anyway I have nothing to write le!! BYE BYE!! Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today!! Hey, people!! Yea, I going to update my blogg again!! Today, early in the morning 6 o'clock, I went to Greenridge shopping centre and meet Belinda there to have our breadfast!! Then 7++ started to walk to school from Greenridge shopping centre!! When we reach school,We went up the classroom!! A lot of people reach already!! Then I shake hand with my friend and say " GOOD LUCK for your exams!!" Hahas, afterthat I go my place and put down my bag!! Afterthat I went t0 Caserin place and talk to her and Jemima!! At that time, Zul was playing Yassin football with Nabil!! Nabil play high ball and suddenly hit the window plane!! Piang!! The window plane broke!! Everybody like so "WOW!!" Then Ms Chew come out from the office and she saw!! And don't know who go tell Mr Suki then he come and clean away those glass!! Aiyo!! Anyway everything has past!! Hack care la!! After school things, I don't want to say la!! Sian!! Bye Peoples!!!
About Exam!! Ello!!
Hey peoples, tomorrow is my exam already!! I damn scare!! Scare that I will fail and retain or whatever spelling la!! Anyway 1 Hyper cool down,relax and stay calm!! Coming these exams try your best to past more than 3 subjects okay?? And those malay pupils, I know you people, mother tongue teacher always never come and some of the malay pupil, malay not good, You guys told me before but try your best can?? Same to those chinese and indian people!! Me, Rebecca here, will cheer up for you all!! We have to prove to every teachers that look down us!! Example, Mr Lee ,English teacher lor!! Hahas!! But we also have to prove to Ms Chew,because she going to change school already!! Let us prove that, We will not dissapoint her!! Let Ms Chew go other school happier even though we don't want her to change school!! Okay?? 1A5, 2 humility, 3 honesty, 4 honesty, 5 diligence, 6 patience, 6 Padi and 1Hyper alway is the ROX one!! I love these class, my friends and most important ones is the teacher who teached me!! Ms Ng for primary one and two, Mr Samuel for primary three and four, Mr shahrin for primary five, Ms Kong for primary six patience and Mr Lim for primary six Padi !! Sorry that I have give you all teachers quite a lot of trouble and Thanks you teachers for teaching me slowly when I have any questions!! Anyway, I hope my Primary school mates, friends, classmates, Secondary school mates, friends and classmates especially 2I, 2C,1Groovy and 1 Hyper wish you people pass all your exams!! I love you, People!! It late, I (GTG) got to go!! Bye!! Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How we treat 1I and where I go today!! Hey, Friends!!
I almost everyday online but lazy to update my blogg la!! Hahas!! Anyway Today I went school, We off the lights but on the fans!! Hahas!! Cool right?? But some of them extra la, go on the light and say want to do homework!! Then say cannot see, because very dark. Irritating lor!! Want do homework, Why don't you do it the day before?? Why you want to do at school?? Why want copy answer right?? Think I stupid uh?? And 1I student, go away la. Keep come to our class for what?? At school time act so good and quiet in class!! Need your teacher to praise you guys!! We 1H is not quiet because some of the teachers don't treat us well!! Don't believe?? Go ask any of my classmates la!! Think I scared uh?? We are noisy is our problem right?? Need you guys to care meh?? We are noisy because we too hyper!! 1H is 1hyper!! I know you people jealous, because you people cannot be hyper.Don't know please don't act.smart leh!! Act cute!! Aiya!! Write you guys in my blogg is such wasting of my time. Anyway, Today I go meet my two sisters, Jocelyn jie jie and Jasmine jie jie,my third brother, Bokuang as well as his friends, both are in Fajar secondary school and his friend younger brother, don't know which primary school la and my cousin, Aaron in Hong Kah secondary school!! Hahas, But too bad Darren today sick cannot go!! But nevermind la!! Next time lor!! Hahas!! Then slack until 7++ then reach home!! Hahas!! Aiya, nothing to write le!! Will post when I free!! Hahas!! Thursday, April 16, 2009
About today that I have go to BPP with friends Hey!! Dear fellow friends! Today I went to Bukit panjang plaza with Caserin, Joey, Jemima and his brother,Aaron!! We went there to do the band homework!! And we have a lot of fun there!! We share our jokes there and they make me laugh non-stop eh!! Anyway nothing to write le!! Bye!!Hahas!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Where we go today!! Hey!!
My Dear Fellows Friends. Yarh.I'm going to start my story soon!!Yesterday I slept at 1++.Then the next morning which means today i woke up at 7.00a.m then go bath and call my brother to wake up after that I go pack my thing and had my breadfast then about 8.00a.m,my brother and I leave the house and went to tution teacher house to meet her and those tution mates.So we went to teacher's house and wait for Kenneth,if i'm not wrong I should spell it correctly,Cheryl,Darren and one little girl called Germin!Aiya I know what her name already and don't really know how to spell it lor!!Then we went to take bus to go somewhere else which I really forget where izzit already.And so we went there to meet Alex and Angela.Those are jokers!!Then we take Mrt to Jurong east and meet Aaron inside the Mrt!!But Aaron didn't called us so we waited at the Mrt station.And teachers take photo of us but we so shy so when teacher want to take picture of us,we ran away!!And about five or six train go already then Aaron called my brother so we just board up the train to meet Aaron inside!!While the door opened we saw Aaron and so we no need to go and find him!!And while waiting for Aaron the moment Cheryl and Angela was chit-chatting all the way until we reach around Bedok there!!When we reach East coast or where la!! I had forgetten that place!! Anyway we just alight at there!! And we go to bus interchain and wait for the bus number 16!! At interchain Alex keep making some funny thing that we laugh until cannot stop!!Because it really very funny!!Can't stand it! Hahas!!After the uncle have his rest we board up the bus!!We sitting right behind!!And Alex keep making funny thing and keep making funny face to those people that walking along the road and bus driver that behind the bus that we are sitting on!! When we reach the place we still need to walk to the under past that is very far away from the bus-stop.But we can't do anything,so we just continue walking until we reach the bicycle shop!!When we reached there,we rented the bicycle immediately!!We started to cycle from East coast to Changi and u-turn back from Changi to East coast!!The way is quite dangerous for some of the part!!Teacher cycle while Germine was sitting behind and she only can paddle!!And I was cycling with Angela of course each of us one bicycle!!One of the part very funny is that I was a aeroplane flying toward me but the aeroplane definitely is flying above me la!!Also I saw the the aeroplane so big, I called Angela to see.She looked at the aeroplane and never concentrate with his cycling and almost get into in accident!!The second time is that while we coming back from the Changi to East coast there is a slope and Angela suddently out of control and bang into the wall and the bicycle gear drop out but nothing happen to her so I called her to push the bicycle to a side and fixed the gear!!When she fixed finish!! Everybody turn by turn coming toward us!!So Cheryl come first and know what happen already so she go and tell teacher and she bluff teacher that Angela crying afterthat Aaron come and he also what happen so he say "teacher coming,Faster act!Faster act!" So Angela sat on the floor and act she is crying and her leg is painful!!So teacher believe it and say "Er then I find somebody to take back this bicycle first"and Angela said no need la then she stand up!!Teacher was like kena shocked like that!! Then everybody laughing and then continue riding our bicycle back to the shop then have our lunch but Angela and Alex return the bicycle and when to church for Drama and so they never have their lunch with us!!Then Blah Blah Blah la!! Aiya don't mention it anymore la tiring leh!!we went cycling for 2 hours eh!!But say seriously la,It really very fun!! If got one more chance I will also choose to go there!!Hahas!!Anyway I will post other things next time when i'm free la!! Hahas!! Thursday, April 9, 2009
How I spend my Today!! Hey!!
My dear fellow friends!! How you guys??Today im totally tired and bored!!Anyway today after school meet Darren outside the school and take bus to meet Jasmine jie jie and my third brother at around plaza there!!Because we going to Jurong point and have our lunch!!While we waiting for the bus saw Joyce and Jia min!!After that follow by Cai ling!!Then sit behind the bus-stop chatting with them!!Afterthat Cai ling tell us that she wants to take taxi and ask me and Darren want to go take taxi,she treat us!!Then we say anything lor!!So we walked infront and wait for taxi,but all taxi put ''HIRED''so at last we take bus go there lor!!Then the bus-stop then Darren and I walked to go find Jie jie and my brother!!Just nice that the 180 bus reached so we board up the bus!!Then at bus don't say lar!!Because is other school people,so i don't wish to say out!!Then reached Jurong point,we don't know how to go because there side has just renovate and so it was so messy lar!!Then reached the restaurant,we stay outside because we don't know our parents inside anot,so we stay outside and Jie jie called mummy,but she didn't answer the phone so we called our aunt and she answer so she say that they inside already call ask go in lor!!When we go inside and saw my grandma,two aunts,Mummy and Aaron which is my cousin already started to eat already!! Then about 5++ then we come back home!!6++ den reached home!!So i spend one day like that lor!!Hahas!!Tiring!!Wish you guys have a Happy Good Friday!!:) (",)And I wish Ms Chew don't leave us!! Notes for Ms Chew!! Hey Ms chew!!Rebecca here!!I know you won't see/read my blog but I'm here to say that 1H miss people you alot,even though we one day never go school!!You are also a part of 1H family!!No matter where you go,you are also a part of 1H!!No other teachers can represent you!!Not even one!!Nothing much to say the very last thing to say is:Ms Chew 1H love you!!Please don't leave us!!When you leave us our class will be very messy,only you are the only teacher that can control us!!We know that you have sign the contract but 1H members always cannot leave 1H,if not 1H really will broken into many small pieces and not like last time it a full heart shape!!So Ms chew you know how we guys feeling right ??1H members alway love Ms chew,Ms chew don't leave us please.We really need you!!PLease don't go!!:(Nth much to post le,anyway 1H rocks man!!I love you guys!!Dudu!!:)Oolala!!Hahas!!Bye!!Will post somemore when i'm free!!:) Tuesday, April 7, 2009
About Today!! Hey!!
My dear frenzs!! Today our class veri quiet lor!!Even Miss Chew oso sae!!Tink bcoz don't have or jokers!!Who are:Alex!!,Aidil!!,Nabil!!,Zul!!Aiya all malay boys lar but don't mistaken Alex is not malay!!Hahas!!Den after sku go bac home den wait for the rain to stop!!Coz meeting Caserin,Jemima and Tricia to practice instrument at Blk 532 if i'm not wrong it should be at dis blk!!Den we walk there den started to play our instrument!!!Tink practice awhile onli!!Den we take photo,chat,play/fool around and den eating snacks at the void-deck!!Like crazy rite ?? Jemima gone a bit siao alr!!She put my instrument together with hers and called our instrument to say twist or wadever lar!!Anyway we when bac home at abt 6++ lor!!Haiz!!The most tiring things is dat tmr have to bring the heavy stuff which is my instrument to sku eh!!Comform no place to put one lor!!I like my instrument but the things is it is veri heavy lor!!My hand goin to broke into 2 part eh!!But nvm everytime got frenz come fetch me and help mi take!!Hahas!!Smart hor??Hahas!!Bleah!!Haiz Ms Chew goin to change sku le!!!1H students will miss her lor!!But anyway 1H is the hyper class of all in west spring secondary 1 !!Those who are west spring students in secondary 1 don't be jealous okae!!Anyway those teacher come to our class comform headache one!!Serious wor!!Those who have match with 1H,they oso gone sian de!!!1H ROCK MAN!!I love 1H!!Dudu=>those who knoe me will know wad am i toking abt!!And its not Idiot!!If u dun know wad it mean and at sku or my frenz/my blog and sae is idiot !!U better watch out!!Coz u are the idiot of all!!1H ROCK MAN!! I LOVE 1H!!Dudu!!:) Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hey long tym never update my blogg alr!!
Coz im so lazy to type!!Hahas!! Wow,Yesterday damn tired worh!!After school which means 12.20 or ++ la!!Immediately go Caserin house so we passby Canteen saw Doughlas wad wadever spelling lar!!Den he ask mi where m i goin den i sae goin back to Caserin house to accompany her to take her Band file den he say walk together coz he oso wan to take Band-T if i'm not wrong den say okae lor so Caserin,Jemima,Doughlas n mi were walking together afterdat we walk till half way we gals separate wif Doughlas!!Den we walked very fast till halfway Caserin n I separate wif Jemima so we when up to the 17 floor if i'm not wrong!!Afterdat felt thirsty den when to buy water but Jemima still haven ready yet so Caserin n I walked back to school first!!Den when Caserin n I reached school Jemima called mi n said she ok already den i replied we reached school call her come school n meet up lor!!Den blah blah blah alot of tings la!!Den go for Band !!Hahas my CCA!!Den Mr Lim test us but we guys blow until very bad so Mr Lim called us bring bac or instument!!Damn heavy sio!!But coming dis wed got promotion test can try ourself when we bring bac home lar!!Sian!!Mondae haf to bring my instument bac school leh!!Damn heavy!!Decide to call somebody come n fetch mi afterdat they reach my hus already den call them help mi take my instrument !!Hahas!!Quite smart rite ???Haiz dun type anyting liao la!!TIRED one leh!!(",)!!! "!@#$%^&*()_+'' |