Hey guys, Sorry that I long time never update the blog.
Quite lazy to update it.
Yesterday went to Clementi with my mum, to do the puzzle frame.
I saw the paper that those people paste it at the pole.
I saw they write down there that "Home Tution" for Music.
I ask my mum to see and she say is only at Clementi area.
Wa lao, Want teach, teach other places also mah.
Lame lor.
Wish that the person don't have any student arh.
After that we went to eat and go home.
See when they do finish the frame then we go and take again.
Okay, Today end here.
1.Real Name: Rebecca
2.Nick Name:By Friend or Family??
3.Age: 12++, Going 13 already.
4.Horoscope: SAGITTARIUS.
5.Male or Female: Female.
6.Bementary: Huh??
7.Middle School: GreenRidge Primary School.
8.High School: West Spring Secondary School.
9.College: Haven reached that Age.
10.Hair Colour: Black and a bit brown.
11.Long or Short: Short.
12.Loud or Quiet: Depend
13.Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
14.Phone or Camera: Phone.
15.Health Freak: Again?
16.Drink or Smoke: Drink
17.Do you have a crush on someone: Erm, maybe "NO"
18.Eat or Drink: Both.
19.Piercings: Yeah.
20.Tattoos: Nope.
21.Social or Anti-Social: Anti-Social.
22.Righty or Lefty: Righty.
23.First Piercings: Both Ears.
24.First Relationship: -.
25.First Best Friend: Pearlynn.
26.First Award: Primary 5, If I'm not wrong.
27.First Kiss: Nope.
28.First Pet: Fish, If not it is Hamster or rather Turtle. I'm not sure.
29.First Big vacation: Erm, maybe Malaysia.
30.First love at first sight: Huh?
31.First big birthday: What talking you??
32.First Surgery: Choi, Don't have.
33.First Sport you joined: Erm, maybe Basketball?
34.Orange or Apple juice: Which one nicer??
35.Rock or Rap:Rock 36. Country or Scremo: Country.
36.NSYNC or backstreets boys: Both.
37.Britney spears or Christina Agulera: None.
38.Night or Day: Night.
39.Sun or Moon; Moon.
40.Television or Internet: Both.
41.Playstation or X-Box: Don't know.
42.Kiss or Hug: Hug.
43.Iguana Or Turtle: None.
44.Spiders or Bees: None.
45.Fall or Spring: Fall
46.Limewire or Itunes: None.
47.Soccer or Baseball: Soccer.
48.Eating: Normal.
49.Drinking: Normal too.
50.Excitement level: Don't know.
51.I'm about to; Bloq Hopping.
52.Listen to: Music.
53.Plan for Today: I think no need already, Cause, is night. I plan to sleep.
54.Waiting for: Friend to message me.
55.Energy Level; Don't know, Can survive, okay liao.
56.Thinking of someone: Yeah. My Dad.
57.Want Kids: Still Young.
58.Want to get married: Still Young.
59.When: Say already, "Still young."
60.How many Kid you want: I'M STILL YOUNG. STILL DON'T WANT TO PLAN FOR 61.FUTURE. Understand??
62.Any names on your mind: How many times you want me to repeat? I'm Still young. Still don't 63.want to plan for future.
64.What do you want to be, when you were young: I'm still young. Erm, I want to be "HUMAN" Hahas...
65.Careers in mind: Erm, still don't know.
66.Melow future or Wild: Don't know.
67.Something you would never try: Kill somebody. T.T
68.When do you want to die: I don't want to die.
69.Lips or Eyes: Both.
70.Romantic or Funny: Both.
71.Shorter or Taller: Of Course Taller.
72.Protective or Caring: Both.
73.Romantic or Funny: Please ley, This is the same question as just now. No other question to ask meh??
74.Nice stomach or Nice arm: Both.
75.Sensitive or Loud: Loud.
76.Hook- Up or Relationship: Relationship.
77.Trouble maker or Hesitant: Hesitant.
78.Muscular or Normal: Normal.
79.Kissed a stranger: Of course "No".
80.Broken a bone: Nope.
81.Lost glasses or contact lens: Nope.
82.Ran away from home: Nope.
83.Held a gun/knife for self- defend: A same word " Nope".
84.Killed somebody: Lame question. Of course don't have.
85.Broken someone heart: Don't know.
86.Been Arrested: Same answer as Jaslyn. Of course don't have. I so guai, Guai then Jaslyn.
87.Cried for someone died: Yea, Of course.
88.Like a friend more than a friend: Maybe, Yes.
89.Do you believe in yourself: Sometime.
90.Miracles: Yea, Sometime when i play cards. Miracles came. Hahas.
91.Love at one sight: Again, What's that?
92.Heaven: I don't know.
93.Santa Claus: Yea.
94.Tooth Fairy: Nope.
95.Kissed in the first date: Nope.
96.Angel: Still haven saw my angel. T.T
97.Is there one person you want to be right now: Nope.
98.Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now: Yea, I'm damn happy.
99.Do you believe in God: Yea, Totally believe. Cause they know how we perform at home.
100.Post as 100 truthss and tagg ten person.
First person:Caserin.
Second person:Jemima.
Third person:Joey.
Forth person:Roleen.
Fifth person:Xinyi.
Sixth person:Zann.body.
Eighth person:Anybody.
Ninth person:Anybody.
Tenth person:Anybody.
Yesterday night went back home from Malaysia at around 9 to 10 plus.
First we woke up at around six+.
Then get ready, And go out at around 7, if I'm not wrong.
First thing when we reach Malaysia, We went to eat.
After We eat we went to the sell fruit that place.
I'm not sure what's that called.
When we going to Kota Tinggi, My two brothers was driving.
And my eldest brother keep overtake other people.
So my second brother also follow him. Keep overtake.
Is like car racing lor.
Cool lor.
Then when to "Kota Tinggi waterfall world".
Heard that my family says the water is cold.
Cause I din play.
Its windy and cool.
We climb to the highest place.
Woah, Tiring lor, Climb until sooo high to play water.
After that we went to eat again.
Cause they play quite long.
After that we headed to petrol again and back home.
That's all for today
I going to update my blog again.
And tomorrow morning, My family and I will be going to Malaysia.
I also don't know go to which part of the Malaysia.
Aiya, Don't care so much.
Boring... Going to sick old lady.
I have been coughing this few day.
Cough until my throat is going to burst.
Haiz, So sian..
All these pictures, Is taken last week.Please Enjoy... :)Can you see the ball over there??
Check it out yourself.
Its a white colour ball, Around the tree there.

The ceremony is going to start.
Jie, Your head can move here and there one arh ??
Its cool, I also want to try ley.
Teach me. How to do arh?? Hahas...

This is my cousin.
Alamak, Hui, Why you giving that face??

This trolley nice right?? Got blink blink one ley.

See the blink blink, So cool.

Wow, Soo many peoples.
Alamak, Only take until two head. Haizzz...

Wow, The dragon was cool. The eyes got colour.

Hahas, My camera is too slow.

You have to beat this thing and others to start the ceremony.

Here is the place.

Hahas this things to start the ceremony and some of them sing the songs.

This is the god. And did you see a aunty wearing red T-shirt and blue short??
Is is a " Ah Siao"

This is the first day, Whereby everything haven start.
Erm, I don't think this is the first day.

This is other peoples one. They come to my father factory.
Can you see me?? I'm there playing with the light stick. And take the picture with no flash light.

Here it goes. There is a flash light.

Darren, Don't eat to much lollipop. Later you " Bo Geh" hahas. Bokuang, you wanna snatch the PSP away from him izzit??

This is my cousin too. See, She is a ghost, Whereby, she can go inside the bed.

Hey, I'm here again.
I have nothing to do ley.
At home so sian.
I wanna go to school and play ley.
Don't want see the Mr Bird Bird Lee can liao.
Alamak, I update also nobody wanna see.
Next time won't update much already.
Oh, Coming this Thursday I wanna go to my Father's Factory to help him.
But at there very bored ley, No Computer.
Change topic.
Wa lao, Why once school holiday, Nobody sms me??
I was like damn bored sia.
Who can sms me to chat??
And nowaday lesser and lesser people online ley.
Did you guys when to holiday??
If "Yes", Now, please come back ley.
I'm going to die le.
Change topic again.
Anybody know Ms Chew when to which school??
And who will be our form-teacher??
Science teacher??
If D.M be our form-teacher, I want to change school.
I don't want a pervert to be our form-teacher.
You are sooo fat, don't block my way please.
If my friends don't want me to go, I will not go.
You have to go.
One choice, You go, If not I go.
Piece of cake.
And Cai ling.
You better don't quit school hor.
Ms Chew has already go, If you also go, How could 1H survive??
Firstly, Also don't know who say 1 for all, all for 1.
It seems that our class don't have once full attendance.
Even we take report book that day, Also don't have full attendance.
My Dear classmates, Please think.
And that girl, I don't want to quarrel with you anymore from school reopen to October or when liao.
Please don't give me that face anymore.
Is much more sian okae??
You want to snatch my friend away from me, go ahead lor.
I hack care.
Okae, today till here.
Yesterday, My mother brought my brother and I to make the passport thingy.
Haiz, hate to go there lor.
I also don't like to go chinatown.
When you all go chinatown right, you will feel how hot izzit.
Is like marching like that lor.
Go there right, Damn no mood one lor.
Better don't go. Hahas, Joking joking.
Then do finish, we when to eat(Makan) at the where, where, where.
Actually, I also don't know at where. Hahas..
Hack care....
After eating, We take taxi again to Bukit Panjang Plaza..
I dont like to take taxi lor.
The smell was like. Oh gosh..
Going to vomit..
Ya, It makes me feel uncomtable lor..
I only like my Dad's car.
It won't make me feel like taking a taxi.
We head to "Bank", " The Flip Flop Shop", "NTUC" and the don't know what shop.
Afterthat, We went back home.
Reach home, Saw my brother and sister playing Cards.
They asked me wanna play with them??
Then the reply is "Anything lor"
Play so much, Lost so much.
Not nice one lor.
I must win, Then it is fun..
Don't get to hate me okae ??
Cause I'm the monster...
Okae, Today ends here.
Today, Band is quite fun.
Erm, Firstly, We went to dance studio, After we went to take instrument.
Of course, The next thing is " FALL-IN".
Anyway, Today lunch we went to bukit panjang Plaza to eat.
Joyce, Winnie, Eileen, Wen qing and I walked with some saxophone seniors, One of the trumpet senior and don't know already.
After eating lunch, Joyce, Winnie, Eileen, Wen qing and I walked back again. Walked until half way, We saw the bus coming, So Joyce say " Oh, going to late already, let chase the bus".
So we chased. oh, finally reached school. So we went to toilet afterthat, We went to Dance studio again. Play with the same friends again.
After that, Mr Lim asked those brasses to go out and woodwinds to stay at dance studio to discuss something.
Afterthat, I was so bored that I see through the glass and saw those woodwinds members are crying include Mr Lim. That means Mr Lim also cried.
I was like going to cry too. Cause I saw they all crying although I din hear what they say.
Everything is actually that woodwinds will be disbanded.
Meaning, there won't have any Clarinetists and flute.
So, there will only have brasses.
Anyway, Just forget the past.
And after their dicussion, We went to play water bomb at the field.
It was lucky that I didn't get wet.
But quite a lot of senior are totally wet.
Especially those Band major and Drum major.
Hahas, Its fun lor.
I tot Band will end at 5pm so I tell my mum that I will reach home about 5++.
But I'm wrong, It should be 7pm.
When my friend told me that I was totallt shocked and say:" Eh, 7 then finish meh? Why I don't know??"
Joyce said:" The paper go write mah."
Then I say:" Wa lao, If I know 7 then finish the whole ceremony, then I don't come liao. Okay nevermind, since now still got time, I go home again."
So they all, all stopped me. Then no choice lor.
Hahas, I'm sooo carelessness.
After that we had our performance. Shafiq(Senior) was damn funny.
He act like Mr Lim(Instructor).
But he is too thin that he put a pillow inside and act that his stomach is the same as Mr Lim.
Meaning, BIG SIZE. Okae okae, Shhhhhhhhh, Don't tell Mr Lim, If not I kena whack by him. OUCH, I don't want.
We ends our performance at around 7.45pm and have the buffet.
I din eat at all.
Blah blah then when back home.
Reached home, I bathed and ate then wacth television and used computer till now...
Okay byeeee...
Tagg reply.
Ang mor:I don't miss you ley. How?? Alamak, joking joking.
Pei Shan: Oh Pei Shan, I wake up long time ago.I don't want to post my blog ley. My blog going to die, die lor. I hack care. And I want to lazy ley. Hahas. Joking. Relax...
Ang mor:Why you love to read my blog??
Okae, That's all.
Update old lady.
I didn't go to band again.
So bored.
Okae, nothing to write already.
This is counted as update my blog.
Yellow Everybody.
Today going out again..
BUT, It will be fun...
Maybe, Will not going back home..
Anyway, So boring at home again..
Oh gosh,
Tomorrow we going to take report book old lady.
I pass or not ??
Scary lor.
Okok, nothing much more to post le,
Just to make my blog alive only, Hahaas... (",)
Oh, Tired.Today, Early in the morning 9 o'clock. My mummy and I wanted to go Jurong west to buy my thing.And my father drive us there.We reach there at 10.00.Afterthat, We went to take Mrt at around 12.00 to go Clementi to buy frame for the puzzle.We go to my father side relative's shop. My mother and I don't know how to greet them, So we just say "Hi" lor.Went there, They call ask to bring the puzzle to their shop and they help to put the puzzle into the frame.Afterthat, We went to Teck whye or where, Forgot already, To see something.Then finish those thingy, We went to Bukit Panjang Plaza to buy thingy again. Oh Gosh...After we went to Plaza, Then we got back home lo...Reach home around 2 or 3+, Din notice it.The first thing when i reach home, I went to bath.After bathing we go kitchen to drink Water. Water is healthy.. Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa... Hahas...After drinking water, I saw Clarisse sms me.Then I reply lorAfter replying her Message, Went to take the computer out from bedroom.And next, It is now. I was using the computer... Tadaaaaaaa.............................At night, We are going to sin tua's dinner.Tired... Oh gosh....